IRIS Interview with Samudra Randazzo
Where are you interning (organization name and city/country)?
Africans Rising — Dakar, Senegal
Share a short description of what your internship organization does.
Africans Rising is a pan-African movement of people and organizations working toward justice, peace, and dignity.
What kinds of things do you get to do on a regular basis at your internship?
Taking notes in meetings, help develop project proposals, film, social media.
What are some exciting things you’ve learned at your internship so far?
I’ve been learning about what it’s like to start a new social movement and what its like to connect different discussions across boarders. It takes a lot of organization, resources, and money.
How is your IRIS internship impacting your thoughts about what you want to do after college?
I might want to come back to Dakar and do work similar to what I’m doing now! There are a lot of opportunities here for community development and social justice.
Why should future students get excited about their IRIS semester?
It’s your time to delve into the subject you’re passionate about and see where it takes you.